Barcode-scanner.JS for POS

Barcode-scanner.JS is a Javascript library that provide implementation of Magnetic stripe/barcode USB and PS/2 scanners. It's detects when user use a magnetic stripe or barcode scanner, and call specific callbacks.

How it's works

At the core Barcode-scanner.JS intercepts key press events and if they occur with high frequency stores them in buffer, and then analyzes and provides the developer with the processed result. As a bonus library hides the flow of events associated with the operation of the scanner using (hiding does not lead to loss of a single control and numeric chars - library repeated event and modify input elements text).

How to use

When using Barcode-scanner.JS you just have to define the event handler that should be called when scanner is been used (error and receive handler are not mandatory) to initialize library like:
scanner.oncomplete = function (data) {
  // Successful scanning
scanner.onerror = function (data) {
  // Unsuccessful scanning
scanner.onreceive = function (event) {
  // Receiving the next char during scanning
scanner (oncomplete, onerror, onreceive);

function oncomplete (data) { }
function onerror (data) { }
function onreceive (event) { }
Complete and error event handlers obtained decoded object data with the result of the scan:
  • successful barcode scanning
      raw: "5901234123457",     // Raw data
      barcode: {
        present: true,          // Barcode present mark
        valid: true,            // (reserved, always true) Barcode is valid
        code: "5901234123457",  // Barcode without any prefix of postfix
        type: ""                // (reserved, always empty string) Barcode type
      magneticStripe: {
        present: false,
        valid: true,
        track1: "",
        track2: "",
        track3: ""
  • successful magnetic stripe scanning
      raw: "5901234123457",  // Raw data
      barcode: {
        present: false,
        valid: true,
        code: "",
        type: ""
      magneticStripe: {
        present: true,       // Magnetic stripe present mark
        valid: true,         // Magnetic stripe is valid
        track1: "",          // Track #1 without any prefix of postfix if present
        track2: "",          // Track #2 without any prefix of postfix if present
        track3: ""           // Track #2 without any prefix of postfix if present
  • unsuccessful scanning
      error: new Error ("Error message"),  // Error description
      raw: "FOO",                          // Raw data
      barcode: {                           // Filling depends on scanning data and error severity
        present: false,
        valid: true,
        code: "",
        type: ""
      magneticStripe: {                    // Filling depends on scanning data and error severity
        present: true,
        valid: false,
        track1: "",
        track2: "FOO",
        track3: ""
    Possible error messages:
    • Empty dataset
    • Dataset not recognized
    • Magnetics stripe: incorrect track #1
    • Magnetics stripe: incorrect track #2
    • Magnetics stripe: incorrect track #3
    • Magnetics stripe: unexpected data
Receive event handler obtained default key press event object event.


For fine-tune you can additionally config next properties of scanner:
  • enabled {Boolean} - Scanner tracking enabling. Default: true.
  • oncomplete {Function} - Successful scanning event (callback).
  • onerror {Function} - Unsuccessful scanning event (callback).
  • onreceive {Function} - Next char receiving event during scanning (callback).
  • schema {Object} - Raw data decoding schema.
  • sensitivity {Number} - Time (in ms) between two chars when user using scanner. Used to do track difference between keyboard typing and scanning. Default: 30 ms.
  • preventDefault {Boolean} - Prevent default action on key press event. Default: true.
  • stopPropagation {Boolean} - Immediately stop propagation on key press event. Default: true.


Library provides three ways for initialization:
  • events only set
    scaner (oncomplete, [onerror], [onreceive])
    scanner (oncomplete, onerror, onreceive);
    function oncomplete (data) { }
    function onerror (data) { }
    function onreceive (event) { }
  • events and DOM element tracking set
    scaner (target, [oncomplete], [onerror], [onreceive])
    where target is DOM element or jQuery object that will limit library in taking scanner. By default library taking scanner through window.
    target = $( "#order-form" );
    scanner (target, oncomplete, onerror, onreceive);
    function oncomplete (data) { }
    function onerror (data) { }
    function onreceive (event) { }
  • options and DOM element tracking set scaner (options)
    schema = new scanner.Schema ();
    schema.barcode.startSentinel = ";";
    schema.barcode.endSentinel = "\\?";
    scanner ({
      target: $( "#order-form" ),
      oncomplete: oncomplete,
      onerror: onerror,
      onerror: onerror,
      schema: schema,
      sensitivity: 50,
      preventDefault: false,
      stopPropagation: false
    function oncomplete (data) { }
    function onerror (data) { }
    function onreceive (event) { }


Method scanner.Decode allows analise and validate raw string contained barcode or magnetic stripe data. With default
data = new scanner.Decode ("%ALEXANDER_PEREVERZEV?");
or special analysing scheme
schema = new scanner.Schema ();
schema.barcode.startSentinel = ";";
schema.barcode.endSentinel = "\\?";

data = new scanner.Decode (";5901234123457?", schema);


Object created by scanner.Schema describing schema for decoding raw data. Default schema:
  barcode: {
    listen: true,                  // Barcode expected mark
    startSentinel: "",             // Beginning symbol
    endSentinel: "",               // Ending symbol
    LRC: "(?:(?:\\r\\n)|\\n|\\r)"  // Data set ending character
  magneticStripe: {
    listen: true,                  // Magnetic stripe expected mark
    track1: {
      startSentinel: "%",          // I-track beginning symbol
      endSentinel: "\\?",          // I-track ending symbol
    track2: {
      startSentinel: ";",          // II-track beginning symbol
      endSentinel: "\\?",          // II-track ending symbol
    track3: {
      startSentinel: "_",          // III-track beginning symbol
      endSentinel: "\\?",          // III-track ending symbol
    LRC: "(?:(?:\\r\\n)|\\n|\\r)"  // Traks and data set ending character


Decoder validate magnetic stripe data based on accepted standarts:
  • I-track:
    • valid characters: QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789:;=+()–‘"!@#^&*<>/\
    • length: 76 symbols
    • line beginning: %
    • line ending: ?
  • II-track:
    • valid characters: 0123456789=
    • length: 37 symbols
    • line beginning: ;
    • line ending: ?
  • III-track:
    • valid characters: 0123456789=
    • length: 104 symbols
    • line beginning: _
    • line ending: ?
Barcode validation not supported yet :(

Browser support

  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Opera 12+
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome